The Evaluation Criteria section of the website has been updated regarding the pre-interview academic criteria. We can now confirm that the academic score will be derived from applicants’ overall average (or adjusted academic average if applicable). The academic and non-academic scores will still be weighed equally (50% each). We will not be looking at your MCAT or prerequisite average during this phase of the evaluation process.
The AQ score scale was changed dramatically for last cycle, in which a much higher average is needed to receive max AQ score compared to previous cycles. Will this new scale be used this year again?
Yes, we will be using the same scale to award points, but remember your academic score will be derived from just your overall or adjusted (if applicable) academic average (no “last 60” any more).
It’s good to have a finalized decision on the pre-interview evaluation. However, I am curious if the mcat will still be used as a redflag in the pre-interview process, as not doing so would seem to contradict the minimum requirement for mcat scores…Any input would be appreciated, thanks!
The posted MCAT requirements are a minimum threshold which must be met in order to be eligible to apply to our program. So everyone who is being evaluated must at least have attained these scores. As we have said, we will not be looking at the MCAT further pre-interview. However, given how competitive this process is, applicants should review our statistics to see the kind of scores achieved by successful applicants and try to be realistic as to how their scores will be viewed later on in the process.
Dear Admissions,
Given that this year is the the first year for the SMP class, has there been more people declining their offer than the previous cycles?
Could not answer that at the moment – the other variable was that there were more available seats for out-of-province applicants this year. We have not yet analysed the data for this year to determine the impact of these changes – and of course in some years simply more people decline than in others for reasons unknown.
Dear Admissions,
Looking over the new evaluation criteria, I didn’t see any mention of part-time or full-time status with respect to application of the adjusted academic average. Can I take this to mean that, as long as I still have 90 credits after my worst year is dropped, the manner in which I obtained those 90 credits doesn’t matter (ie: 2 full time years and 2 part time years)? For that matter, under the new rules, is there any distinction made between students who have been full time throughout their undergraduate degree or who have had some part time semesters to allow for more extra-curriculars, as I seem to recall, although perhaps erroneously, that there was under the old system (I would be applying for entry immediately following completion of my undergrad degree)
Thanks in advance!
The Admissions Selection Committee takes into consideration every aspect of your file, which is why we ask for a short explanation regarding any year you have not taken a full course load. They need to be able to determine that you can handle the rigors of the medical program, which is typically done through excelling with a full course load. In terms of the 90 credits rule, you are correct- it does not matter how you have accumulated these 90 credits. You may find it helpful to read more about this in our FAQ’s on the website (they’re fairly comprehensive, which is why they are a bit long). 🙂
Can you please confirm if the AQ score will be from ONLY the adjusted average if applicable and not both Overall + Adjusted? I am asking because the description under Evaluation Criteria mentions the following:
“Adjusted academic average: In addition to the overall academic average, an adjusted academic average is calculated for certain applicants”
I would appreciate a clarification.
Pre-interview your AQ score will consist of only your Overall or Adjusted GPA depending on whether or not you qualify for the adjustment.
Sorry, this may be addressed elsewhere, but will marks obtained during graduate school (Masters & PhD) be used in the calculation of the adjusted GPA?
Yes. Any “university transferable” coursework with grades will be used in the calculation of your GPA.
Thanks for the reply. What weight will graduate courses be given in a research based programme (ie. if one course was taken during one academic year)?
All courses are weighted based on their credits.
Can you please confirm how many credits is considered “full-time”? Do you consider this to be 30 credits/year? If so, should applicants explain in their application why they only took 28 credits or 24 credits in a given year?
Thank you in advance,
Full time status varies depending on the university and degree level, so it is hard pick a number of credits per year or semester. However, what generally constitutes a full course load is the number of credits it would take someone to graduate from their degree in the normal amount of time attending the school’s regular terms. In general, it is never a bad thing to provide the admissions committee with more information regarding your application. The more information we have about you, the better we can “get to know” you.
when they calculate our overall average…is anything else taken into consideration like what course it is/what the class average is, or is it strictly calculations averaging our marks?
The calculation is strictly based on grades – we do not/cannot take into account the actual courses taken or what the class average is.
With the removal of the last 60 credits in the average calculation, will trends in grades achieved in more recent years still be considered during the application process?
Not initially of course, as we will just be looking at your actual overall (or adjusted) overall average. As in previous years, post-interview, trends in grades from year to year and grades in upper-level courses will be reviewed as part of the slection process.
I took the B.Ed program at UBC where almost every course is a pass/fail course with a pass being a minimum of a B+ – will these courses be used in the GPA calculation?
I have completed AP Biology with marks that satisfy UBC’s requirement, and I have also taken upper level biology courses. If I do not submit my AP transcript for credit for my lower level biology courses, will the application system use my upper year courses as the prereq grades, or will it interpret this as a missing prereq?
Thank you
If you do not want us to consider your AP courses, do not enter them on the Transcripts page, but be sure to indicate which of your post-secondary Biology courses you are using to satisfy the prerequisite requirement. This way you will not have to submit an AP transcript and the system will count your post-secondary courses toward your prerequisites. We will make sure the courses are satisfactory substitutions when we evaluate your file.