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2015 Canadian Association for Medical Education Award recipients

2015 Canadian Association for Medical Education Award recipients

Recently, two of our VFMP faculty members received the 2015 Canadian Association for Medical Education (CAME) Certificate of Merit Award. This honour recognizes and rewards faculty committed to medical education in Canadian medical schools. Dr. Linlea Armstrong and Dr. Pawel Kindler kindly agreed to reflect on their teaching experience and what it has meant to […]

Elisa Assadi

Leaders of tomorrow: VFMP student wins prestigious UBC leadership award

The life of a medical student is busy and demanding. Between classes, assignments, clinical skill development and (lots of) studying, it would seem there isn’t time for much else. Nevertheless, there are some who make sure that, along with their academic responsibilities, they are working on building leadership and community skills within the university environment. […]

Meet the newest additions to the VFMP!

Meet the newest additions to the VFMP!

This week, we’d like to introduce to you three first year students in our Vancouver Fraser Medical Program…

Why Wait Until May 15?

Interviews are over and the timeline says offer notifications are still weeks and weeks away… but why? Many applicants may wonder why we wait until May 15 to send the offers when the interviews are finished in February. There are a couple of reasons: one is that there are still several things to do before […]

Decisions, decisions: Careers Night provides opportunity for MD students to consider their options

Decisions, decisions: Careers Night provides opportunity for MD students to consider their options

First and second year students recently gathered for the Faculty’s annual Careers Night, where they could speak with program directors and current residents about postgraduate opportunities.