Offers 2016 – Round 3 Sent
The third round of offers has been sent. As always, congratulations to everyone who received an offer! We will update the blog again after the deadline for this round, which is Friday, June 10 at noon Pacific Time.
Offers 2016 – Round 2 Sent
We sent the second round of offers today. Congratulations to everyone who received one! The deadline for this round is Thursday, June 2 at noon Pacific Time; the next round of offers will go out after this deadline. It is hard to be on the waitlist and we know waitlisted applicants are eager for any […]
Waitlist Questions 2015/2016
Every school treats their waitlist differently and we hope these FAQs will help to answer some common questions about our waitlist. These questions are mostly reprinted from an earlier post – we have not made changes to how we handle the waitlist this year. Waitlist questions: applicants who have an application status of Waitlisted Can […]
Offer Notifications Sent 2015/2016
All of the offer notifications have been sent and all applicants should know the admission decision on their file. Regardless of what type of news you received today, we would like to thank you for applying to UBC and participating in our process throughout this cycle. Our applicants are very impressive and while we are […]