Rare Disease Day: opportunity for awareness a success
A rare disease is defined as a condition that affects fewer than one in 2,000 people. Rare diseases affect 10% of the Canadian population, and cause significant morbidities and mortalities.
The 12th Annual Run for Rural Medicine
The 12th annual Run for Rural Medicine is coming up soon! Learn how to register and participate here…
Prerequisite Changes – GPA Concerns
We have received a lot of feedback around the idea that because the science prerequisites are no longer required, applicants will not take them and will take easy classes to boost their GPA instead. It seems that many individuals are worried about others finding ways to “game” the system. We think this is no real […]
Prerequisite Proposal Passed
The prerequisite proposal has passed! Final approval has been reached and we can confirm that starting with the 2016/2017 application cycle, the science prerequisites will be strongly recommended rather than required. A full year of English will still be required. This change will not affect applicants currently invited to interview. All applicants currently eligible for […]
Pre-Medical Diversity Symposium 2016
Some prospective applicants may be a bit hesitant about applying to medical school because they consider themselves “non-traditional” applicants – maybe they are a little older, have experienced some challenges in the past, or come from a different academic or personal background than the type of person they think typically applies to medical school. If […]
Prerequisite Proposal Timeline Update
Happy New Year! We are still hoping to post an update on the prerequisite proposal by the end of January. Sorry again for the delay – there is one final step that has taken longer than anticipated due to holiday-related cancellations and closures. A lot of you are trying to plan your courses, we know, […]