MD Admissions is moving!
MD Admissions will be moving offices from December 15 – 18. We may be out of phone and email contact on Friday, December 15 and/or Monday, December 18, but hope that everything is up and running again by Tuesday, December 19. Feel free to keep emailing and/or messaging us through the application system during this […]
Pre-Interview Scoring and FAQs 2017/2018
We are always impressed with applicants’ academic and non-academic achievements, and regret that we cannot invite more of you to interview. Unfortunately, we cannot provide individual feedback on your application, but we hope this explanation of scores can help to answer some of your questions. There are some FAQs below as well. OGPA = Overall GPA […]
Message from AFMC: MCAT Fee Assistance Program for Canadians
AFMC has provided more information on the new MCAT Fee Assistance Program for Canadians. Please click the poster to read their message, or view a PDF version here.
November 23 – Online Information Session
An online information session will be held on Thursday, November 23 from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. If you would like to attend an info session but can’t make it in person, we hope one of our online sessions will work with your schedule. Please see our Information Sessions page to register.
MCAT Fee Assistance Program for Canadians
A new MCAT Fee Assistance Program for Canadians is coming soon. This pilot program will enable Canadian students who demonstrate financial need to receive reduced MCAT scheduling, rescheduling, and cancellation fees. Students will submit financial information to the Association of Faculties of Medicine in Canada (AFMC), who will determine which students are in greatest need […]