It appears that some of you who have been admitted think that if you wish to switch sites, it’s just a matter of getting someone else to swap places with you. This is not the case at all. As it says in the offer letters, when you accept an offer to VFMP, IMP, NMP or SMP, you are committing to live and study at that location. If you do not wish to be at the site to which you were offered, for whatever reason, do not accept the offer in hopes that you can make a change once you are in the program – be happy you were admitted!
Another myth – there is concern out there that people might somehow be able to “swap sites” before we get to the next person on the wait list for a particular site. Again, not true, we follow a very strict protocol in making further offers from the wait list if someone has declined our offer. There are many applicants with extraneous issues and we cannot accommodate requests to be preferentially offered to a specific site.
Dear Admissions,
Given that June 15 was the deadline for transcripts and other supporting documents, could you please update us nervous waitlisters on approximately, how many people have declined their offers and/or when you anticipate to make offers to wait-listers. As you’ve emphasized in your other posts, at this point the process is unpredictable. Still, any snippets of information you can offer at this point are greatly appreciated!
It is very much down to a slow trickle now, but due to the domino effect of declines/offers by other medical schools across the country, we are still making an occasional offer – some to another site for those already admitted – and some from the wait list. Appreciate must be very difficult for those of you on the wait list, but sorry cannot provide any further snippets.