15 responses to “Waitlist Movement”

  1. Hopeful

    Dear admissions,

    Would you mind sharing with us, applicants, if this is the first year that this “course of action” as been taken? Additionally, is it true that if anyone is accepted from the WL, he or she will first receive a phone call and then an email, to which they have 24 hours to reply to?

    Thank You in advance

    1. Admissions

      This has been a very unusual year. In the fall the stats will be released and you’ll be able to see the difference in number of declines this year compared to other years.

      In terms of offers- we try to contact applicants by a number of methods: telephone, OAS messages, and application status updates. For everyone’s peace of mind, we are trying to move the waitlist as quickly as possible, which means we are giving a very short turn-around time to respond (typically 24 hours).

  2. Albert

    Thanks for all the info. Since you have re-stored some applicants to the WL, does it mean that the people on the original WL have all been offered a spot?

    1. Admissions

      This might be a bit confusing, but I’ll try to explain- at UBC we have 4 sites. Therefore, we have several site specific waitlists, on which applicants are placed. Waitlisted applicants may be on one or more of these lists and may have different positions on each (which is why it is too difficult to explain “where you are on the waitlist”). In short, not all originally waitlisted people have been offered positions for the site(s) they were waitlisted for. Unfortunately we cannot disclose which site(s) these might be. Suffice it to say that when possible we take into consideration your sites of preference when making offers and placing you on the waitlist.

  3. Jay

    Is there any way you can tell us how many people were offered to be reinstated on the waitlist? And how are these people “re-ranked” after having been removed then put back on the waitlist?

    Thank you.

    1. Admissions

      Nope. They were put back in their original position on the waitlist. No “re-ranking” required.

  4. Joe

    While it’s rather hard to understand the logistics behind making offers and waitlists for 4 different sites,
    Am I right to assume that if applicant A is ranked number 12, and applicant B is ranked number 13 and one spot becomes available in site number 1, applicant A will get it not applicant B ( no matter who has ranked which site). Ultimately, it doesn’t make much sense and is not fair if applicant B gets the offer if he or she has ranked site number 1 as their top choice while applicant A has not chosen site number 1 as his or her two choices.

    1. Admissions

      As was stated at the Site Information Sessions following the MMI this February, offers this year were made in order of how applicants were ranked, not the order of their preferences. That being said, we did try to accommodate site preferences when possible.

  5. Albert

    Great. Thank You

  6. Irene

    For those of us who were offered and who accepted an offer at a site that was not ourfirst two choices, do we remain on the waitlist for the two other sites of our choice? Do we remain in the same spot on the waitlist as before or are we moved down the list? Thanks for the help in advance!

    1. Admissions

      The same rules that apply for offers apply to those waitlisted including those who received offers to sites that were not their first preference. (See post on June 27).

  7. Albert

    Dear Admissions,

    Can you update us on the Wait-List movement. Since, almost all Canadian medical schools appear to have finalized their classes, is there any hope left?


    1. Admissions

      For the reason you gave, i.e. that class lists in medical schools across Canada are now full, earlier today we notified a number of people that their names were no longer on our wait list. We do not want to keep people in suspense any longer than necessary. A few people remain waitlisted just in case. Is there any hope left for those people you ask? There is a very slight possibility that something might happen between now and when Orientation starts at the end of August, but based on experience in previous years, do not realistically think that anyone admitted to the program will now decline the spot they were offered.

      For those of you who were so close, thank you for your patience over these last couple of months. If you have not already done so, hope you can now begin to look forward to this coming application cycle (if that is what you want to do) – if you have made other plans, we thank you for your interest in UBC’s medical school.

  8. Albert


    Given that this year the application deadline is on Aug 15, when do Waitlisters receive their rejection?

    1. Admissions

      The two are not mutually exclusive. The waitlist for the 2010-2011 cycle can continue until the beginning of orientation which is after the August 15 application deadline.