Island Medical Program students “compete” for a good cause.

George Ko (IMP, 2015)

After the holidays, we often forget about those in need in our communities and the food banks run low on supplies. With the arrival this term of the new IMP Class of 2016, the VPs for the IMP 2015’s (George Ko) and the IMP 2016’s (Mike Steel) got together to plan a food drive from March 11th to 22nd. In order to motivate students to donate and to encourage class participation and bonding, a contest between the two classes was initiated to see which of them could raise the most food. After two weeks of friendly competition, the IMP 2016’s came out victorious, giving them a sense of pride in their accomplishment and bragging rights over their second-year colleagues!

Many food items, including both fresh and non perishable items along with non food items such as baby diapers, were donated by both classes. Items were delivered to the Mustard Seed of Greater Victoria, a non-profit organization which runs the largest food bank on the island.  Hopefully this friendly food drive contest will become a tradition that can be carried forward into future years.

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