VFMP Site Profile

Thank you to Khalil for answering our questions!

  1. What do you like best about your site? Vancouver. Is. Incredible. The huge benefit of having your program in a city centre is that you’re a hop skip and a jump away from all Vancouver has to offer. Whether that be a morning bike ride on the seawall before histology, a night ski on a local mountain after class or even a wander through Gastown with friends, the diversity in Vancouver is unparalleled. Being in Vancouver offers an enormous amount of freedom. Vancouver’s extensive bus and Skytrain system makes easy to get around even if you don’t have a car. It doesn’t matter whether you’re an outdoorsman, foodie or coffee connoisseur, we’ve got you covered. And since VFMP has the largest class size of all the sites, there’ll always be someone to come with you on the many adventures you’re sure to have.
  2. What makes your site unique or special? If the nine beaches, three local mountain resorts, 230 parks and incredible downtown core weren’t enough to sell you, then yes there is more:
    – At the VFMP we’re fortunate to have access to the amazing Medical Student Alumni Centre, just a 5-minute walk away from the Diamond Centre at VGH. The MSAC is open 24/7 and boasts a free gym and numerous multipurpose rooms that are all equipped with videoconference technology. Unsurprisingly, this makes MSAC the heart and hub of over 50 clubs, organizations and interest groups within the Faculty of Medicine. From Bhangra and Hip-Hop to Political Advocacy and Meditation, there is literally something for everyone.
    – Another advantage of being at the VFMP is being able to access all of the AMS facilities at UBC and participate in AMS clubs and events. Events like Storm the Wall and Day of the Longboat are always crowd-pleasers and participation in Intramurals is a must (Go Herniated Discs!).
  3. What are some challenges associated with life at your site? Since VFMP is a larger program, it can be a bit more difficult trying to meet everyone in your program. The distributed sites definitely have more of a cozier feel to them. On the bright side, there is always someone new to get to know! Since we have a larger site, there are more places available for students to go for family practice or clinical skills. This is a bit of a double-edged sword, because although it allows for a diversity of clinical experiences, there have certainly been times where I’ve been making the mad dash from a morning Family Practice session in Surrey to catch the anatomy lab at UBC in the afternoon (Dr. Doroudi makes it worth it).
  4. What kind of person would really like living and studying at your site? Someone who is adaptable and likes a fast-paced life style. You’ll likely never be in the same small group session with the same people more than once and your placements could be anywhere across Metro-Vancouver. In a nutshell, if you love the hustle and bustle of living in a big city, Vancouver is the place for you.
  5. Is there anything else you would like to add? No matter what site you pick, you’re going to have an amazing time! There are no wrong choices (except for not picking VFMP)! Every site is unique and filled with wonderful people 🙂