Interview Notifications Approaching
Interview notifications are approaching! We plan to send application status updates to all applicants starting the week of December 7. Unfortunately we can’t say exactly when we will notify everyone, so please monitor your email starting on the 7th. We will update the blog when all of the notifications have been sent. The notifications will […]
Notes on Transcript and Document Statuses
If you are wondering about your transcript or other document status, please read the following notes: 1. UBC Transcripts– As long as you have marked the box on the Other Information page to authorize us to access your UBC transcript electronically, you can consider your UBC transcript received by the deadline even if your UBC […]
(Mostly) Non-Academic Questions
We are excited to see that a number of people have started (and even submitted) their applications! With people working on their applications, some questions have come up, especially around the non-academic sections of the application. We hope these answers will help. 1. For the Research Publications and Presentations section, the Help Guide says I […]
MCAT 2015 Resource and Date Reminder
Although the Admissions Office does not endorse any third-party MCAT study guides or prep courses, we would like to pass along a series of videos that has been developed by Khan Academy for the MCAT 2015 exam. All of the content in the videos has been reviewed by the AAMC and there are some practice […]
NAQ Myths Debunked – Part 2
We hope that you found NAQ Myths Debunked – Part 1 helpful. In Part 2, we will be focusing on issues and questions related to NAQ Scoring. Again we will highlight a few especially problematic speculations about our scoring system from the Premed 101 Forums, in order to provide more accurate information. NAQ Scoring “My […]
NAQ Myths Debunked – Part 1
Hi everyone! We have a confession; from time to time we take a peek at the Premed 101 Forums to get a sense of how many of you are doing and to see if there is anything we can help to clarify. From the chatter over the last couple weeks, we’ve realized that there are […]
Interview Notifications Sent
We have sent all of the interview notifications. Congratulations to everyone who received an invite! For applicants who received regrets, we know that it is very disappointing news, but we hope you continue to take pride in your academic and non-academic accomplishments. Unfortunately, the limitations we have on the number of people we can interview […]
Pre-Interview Scores & FAQs, 2014/2015
Applicants who are not invited to interview may want additional feedback on their application. While we are unable to give one-on-one feedback, this explanation of scores might help to answer some questions. Please also see the FAQs below. OGPA = Overall GPA in UBC percentage AGPA = Adjusted GPA in UBC percentage AQ Score = OGPA (if not […]
Interview Notifications
It is almost time for applicants to find out whether or not they have been invited to interview! We will send interview notifications starting the week of December 1. That is much too vague for some of you, we know, but unfortunately we cannot specify the exact day(s) we will send the notifications. The process […]
October Update: Verifiers and More
It is hard to believe the application closed 5 weeks ago and that the evaluation period is now well under way. The Admissions office is a lot quieter as people work diligently to review your transcripts, check your BC residency status (if applicable), ensure you have met the prerequisite requirements, and read about your non-academic […]