The UBC MD Undergraduate Program Application is now OPEN! The application will close September 15, 2022 at 12:00 PM (noon) Pacific Time. The early application deadline is August 2, 2022 at 12:00 PM (noon) Pacific Time.
Early Application Deadline Explanation
Applicants who submit all required documents and fees by August 2, 2022 at 12:00 PM (noon) Pacific Time and who are invited to interview, will receive their interview invitations a day early. We inform applicants whether or not they have met the early deadline, so it can be a good way to receive confirmation that your application is complete in terms of the items that are required by the September 15 application deadline. If you find out that something is missing from your application (like a transcript that never arrived, or your proof of BC residency), you would hopefully have enough time to submit the missing item in time for the regular application deadline. Meeting the early deadline does not give you extra points or any other advantages in how your application is evaluated.
Black Student MD Admissions Pathway
We are excited to announce the launch of the Black Student MD Admissions Pathway. We encourage individuals who self-identify as Black, or multiracial and identify with their Black ancestry, to apply to the MD Undergraduate Program through this pathway. This new pathway will help to address the underrepresentation of Black physicians in British Columbia and any barriers that Black applicants may face during the admissions process.
Please visit our website to learn more about the Black Student Pathway, or contact our Team at