The early application deadline is back! It’s earlier this year – August 1. However, the incentive is the same as before. Applicants who submit all required documents and fees by August 1, 2017 at noon Pacific Time and who are invited to interview will receive their interview invitations a day early. We inform applicants whether or not they have met the early deadline, so it can be a good way to receive confirmation that your application is complete in terms of the items that are required by the regular September 15 application deadline. If you find out that something is missing from your application (like a transcript that never arrived, or your proof of BC residency), you would hopefully have enough time to submit the missing item in time for the regular application deadline. Meeting the early deadline does not give you extra points or any other advantages in how your application is evaluated, though.
Please note that MCAT scores and WES/ICES evaluations are due later and do not have to be submitted by August 1 to meet the early application deadline.
If you make the early deadline but then realise you missed something in your application (not necessarily a required item but say, a volunteer position), can you edit your application and then be considered as part of the regular deadline still?
Sorry, you can’t change your application after it’s been submitted (except for verifier contact info), whether you submit your application for the early deadline or regular deadline.
I have a question about references/verifiers. I’ve volunteered at church for a few years, and the volunteer coordinator at that time was around the same age as me and we became friends. Can I still use her as a reference? I’m friends with most of the people who run the volunteer programs at church since I’ve gone there since childhood and as most of my long term volunteer work is at church, I have no other significant options for references. Can I still use said individual(s) as references when the time comes if no other option exists?
That’s an excellent question. We understand that sometimes friendships can develop out of working relationships, and this means that sometimes a person who is now a friend might be the most appropriate verifier for an activity. First and foremost, we want applicants to provide verifiers who were in some sort of supervisory position (such as a volunteer coordinator) for the activity, even if that person happens to be a friend now. As long as the volunteer coordinator at your church was working or volunteering there in an official capacity and was the person responsible for overseeing your volunteer work, then including them in your application won’t be a problem. However, if you feel that your friendship with the volunteer coordinator at your church will impede their ability to verify your activity truthfully and accurately, then you are welcome to provide us with an alternate verifier.
This might be the wrong space to ask this, but do unpaid, full time “internships” with non-profit organisations fall under volunteer experience or employment? I have been having trouble figuring out where to list them on the application. Thanks!
Unpaid work would go under the Non-Academic Activities section. Please enter paid work in the Employment History section.