
On-Campus Residence for students in the Vancouver Fraser Medical Program (VFMP)

If you are a student in the VFMP and wish to obtain residence on campus, you need to submit an application through Student Housing and Community Services.  As there is a high demand for campus residence, you should consider submitting your application for residence as soon as possible.  You do not have to be admitted into the MD Undergraduate Program before you can apply for campus residence.

Current UBC students can submit an application online using their student number.

Non-UBC students can complete an application form and submit it via email to information@housing.ubc.ca.


Students admitted to the VFMP:  If you would like to be considered for priority access to residence at Fairview Crescent, please send an email using the subject line “PAPL Class YEAR” to the VFMP Student Affairs Coordinatorimmediately upon accepting your offer of admission to the VFMP. The PAPL has limited spots and is on a first-come-first-served basis. Deadline to request PAPL is May 31, 2025.

Please do not contact Student Housing and Community Services if you have questions about the Priority Access Placement List, as it is administered solely by Student Affairs.

Unfortunately, Student Affairs and Student Housing and Community Services are not able to set aside residence spaces for VFMP students relocating to Vancouver with their partners/families due to limited availability in Student Family Residence.

Moving Out for Campus Residents

Your move out date will be noted on your resident contract.  If you need to move out earlier, please advise Student Housing and Community Services at least two months in advance.  If Student Housing and Community Services requires proof of your academic end-date, please ask them to contact the VFMP Student Affairs Coordinator.


UBC Housing – Living Off Campus 

For more information on short-term accommodation, finding a place and much more, visit UBC Housing.


Campus Residence for Year 1 students in the Island, Northern, and Southern Medical Programs (IMP, NMP, and SMP)

Year 1 students who have been admitted to either the IMP, NMP, or SMP and are interested in campus housing at those sites can click on the following links for the appropriate contacts:


A UVic student number is required to apply for campus residence. For information about UVic housing, please contact Kelly Arason, Student Affairs Coordinator, Island Medical Program.

NMP:  http://www.unbc.ca/housing

A UNBC student number is required to apply for campus residence.  For information about UNBC housing, please contact Shelley Raper, Student Affairs & Admissions Site Coordinator, Northern Medical Program.

SMP:  http://www.housing.ubc.ca/okanagan



If you have any questions about the above information, please contact the VFMP Student Affairs Coordinator.

If you have specific questions about the services that Student Housing and Community Services provides (e.g. rates, contracts, etc.), please contact UBC Housing Vancouver directly.