The latest updates from the MD Admissions team.
Offer Notifications Sent 2015/2016
By Admissions on May 11, 2016 All of the offer notifications have been sent and all applicants should know the admission decision on their file. Regardless of what type of news you received today, we would like to thank you for applying to UBC and participating in our process throughout this cycle. Our applicants are very impressive and while we are happy we can invite many of them to join the class, we always wish there were room for more. For applicants who wish to reapply for 2016/2017, the application will open in mid-June. Permalink | No Comments
Easy Courses
By Admissions on Mar 01, 2016
Academic rigor is a complex matter. Online and offline, we have heard a lot from applicants about their concern that new applicants to our program will achieve higher GPAs by taking easy courses instead of organic chemistry and biochemistry. Other people have pointed out that “easy” vs “hard” is subjective and differs from person to person. We agree – different people are strong in different areas, and there is usually a correlation between what one finds easy and what one is good at. In addition, there is the issue of different institutions, different faculties, different departments, different sections, and different course instructors and markers. An “easy” course at one school might be a “hard” course elsewhere.
At the same time, some applicants try to seek out classes that have a reputation for being easy. This isn’t going to change, and we were hoping the last post would give applicants who had a specific concern about this in light of the prerequisite changes a chance to say which courses they were worried about. It’s interesting for us to hear which courses are considered easy and which are considered hard, even if we cannot say a course is objectively easy or objectively hard.
In the last post we mentioned that the committee will be looking more carefully at your courses. Although we may not be able to say that one particular class is easy or hard, we can see if a transcript seems to indicate an unusual pattern of course-taking. For example, are there a lot of repeated courses, or a large number of lower-level courses that seem kind of random? This wouldn’t be something like taking electives in different areas to fulfill requirements in your major or taking a few post-degree courses out of personal interest. Additionally, courses taken toward a specific major or minor wouldn’t raise concerns. We also understand that the only way to raise a GPA is by taking additional courses and we don’t expect everyone to pursue an additional degree to do this (although if you need to take a substantial number of courses to boost your average, it is in your best interest to do so, as it shows dedication to a particular subject and you are less likely to have your course selection questioned). It’s really more about a pattern of course selection that suggests the applicant is reluctant to face challenging course material.
If you are worried that your course selection may raise concerns, there is an opportunity at the end of the application to explain exceptional circumstances affecting your degree. You may use this section to provide a brief explanation for your course selection, unless you have something more pressing to write about.
Permalink | 22 CommentsPrerequisite Changes – GPA Concerns
By Admissions on Jan 29, 2016
We have received a lot of feedback around the idea that because the science prerequisites are no longer required, applicants will not take them and will take easy classes to boost their GPA instead.
It seems that many individuals are worried about others finding ways to “game” the system. We think this is no real change. In fact, some applicants have been trying to find easy ways to meet admissions requirements for many years (if not forever). But the truth is that applying to medical school is hard. It takes a lot of energy and there aren’t easy ways out. We assume that all applicants have taken a mix of easy and difficult classes as a part of their degree. It would very uncommon for an entire degree program to offer nothing but easy courses, so it is likely that you’ll have to take at least a few hard courses if you want to work towards an undergraduate degree.
We think the concern is mostly centered around organic chemistry and biochemistry, since first-year biology and chemistry don’t seem to be considered difficult courses. Applicants who completely avoid organic chemistry and biochemistry will now have about 12 credits they can fill/have already filled with different courses. 12 credits can certainly make a difference in one’s GPA, but it’s important to consider the fact that many applicants have done well in their organic chemistry and biochemistry courses – often just as well as they would have done taking different courses. In addition, we are still expecting applicants to show competency in organic chemistry and biochemistry, either through the MCAT, coursework, or both.
Finally, because the science prerequisites are no longer required, the selection committee will be taking a closer look at your transcript. They will be looking at your science courses but will also notice if 50% of your coursework is comprised of juggling and basket-weaving courses (or the university-transferable equivalents thereof).
If you’re still not convinced and are particularly concerned about a specific course or courses, we would like to hear from you. Which courses should we look for? Let us know the courses you think are easy/give high grades (at any institution). This is subjective and we are not saying that these courses will be of particular note to the selection committee, so don’t worry if a course you have taken ends up in the comments. You are of course free to disagree in the comments as well. This issue definitely concerns a number of applicants, so please consider this an opportunity to tell us what types of courses you are concerned might replace organic chemistry and biochemistry on the transcripts of new applicants. If there are any classes that you feel are particularly difficult, feel free to leave a comment about that as well.
Permalink | 35 CommentsPrerequisite Proposal Passed
By Admissions on Jan 21, 2016
The prerequisite proposal has passed! Final approval has been reached and we can confirm that starting with the 2016/2017 application cycle, the science prerequisites will be strongly recommended rather than required. A full year of English will still be required. This change will not affect applicants currently invited to interview. All applicants currently eligible for entry into the program this year need to complete their prerequisite courses by the end of April 2016.
What does this mean? It means that we are still encouraging applicants to take the prerequisite courses. However, since we are not requiring specific courses anymore, applicants can apply even if they have not taken all of the prerequisite courses. Hopefully this will give applicants more flexibility in the courses they take and will remove a barrier for prospective applicants who find it difficult to complete the entire prerequisite sequence.
What does this mean in terms of my application? As before, applicants will be expected to demonstrate knowledge and ability in science, particularly in biology and chemistry (including organic chemistry and biochemistry). Performing well in the prerequisite courses is an excellent way to demonstrate this. MCAT scores are also an indication of knowledge and ability in these areas. However, relying on the MCAT alone puts a lot of emphasis on MCAT scores; it’s kind of like putting all of your eggs in one basket. Some applicants might feel ok letting their MCAT scores represent their scientific capabilities, but others will want or need some prerequisite grades to support or balance their MCAT scores.
Unfortunately, we cannot give an MCAT score threshold or a specific number/combination of prerequisite courses that will definitively prove one has the knowledge and ability in science required by the admissions committee, other than the full sequence of courses posted on our website. Taking no science courses and doing poorly (or mediocrely) on the MCAT will cause the committee concern. Doing well in all of the prerequisite courses and on the MCAT will not. However, lots of applicants will be in between these two scenarios. It’s up to you to decide which courses to take.
What does this mean in terms of your evaluation criteria? We will no longer calculate a prerequisite GPA. Since the prerequisite GPA is not a factor in who is invited to interview, the pre-interview scoring is not affected by this change and will remain the same. As before, there is a holistic review post-interview, the specifics of which are confidential. MCAT minimums are the same. AP/IB scores that meet our minimum requirements will still “count” as the applicable prerequisite (and the additional chemistry course for AP Chemistry is no longer required). In the future you will be able to decide whether or not to submit your AP or IB transcripts. If you do, this will add value to your file, but it will not be mandatory.
If I take different courses than the prerequisites listed, will they still “count”? In general, there will be more flexibility around which courses can demonstrate the foundational knowledge we are looking for; however, if you are uncertain or want clear direction, take a number of courses in general biology, chemistry, biochemistry and organic chemistry. Also, taking at least one lab course before medical school will give you a sense of what that is like, which will also benefit you.
I’m kind of mad that I spent so much money and time on the prerequisites. I wouldn’t have taken them if I didn’t have to. You are not alone! Others have shared similar feedback. Just to reiterate, the prerequisites will only help you. Courses are expensive but we hope you learned something, too. And remember, since you took all of the prerequisites, the admissions committee can easily assess your foundational knowledge in science.
Permalink | 46 CommentsPre-Medical Diversity Symposium 2016
By Admissions on Jan 07, 2016
Some prospective applicants may be a bit hesitant about applying to medical school because they consider themselves “non-traditional” applicants – maybe they are a little older, have experienced some challenges in the past, or come from a different academic or personal background than the type of person they think typically applies to medical school. If this describes you, please consider attending the Pre-Medical Diversity Symposium on Saturday, January 16th. Hosted by UBC medical students, this event is an opportunity to learn more about the admissions process and to hear stories from current doctors and students whose paths to medicine may have diverged from the “traditional.” Please click the link to see a poster with more information, including start time and locations for Vancouver, Victoria, Prince George and Kelowna: https://mdprogram.med.ubc.ca/files/2016/01/Pre-Medical-Diversity-Symposium-2016.pdf. The RSVP date is January 12th. Hope to see you there!
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